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Community Visitor Scheme Login

Become a Community Visitor Volunteer

Community Visitor volunteers come from many different backgrounds, and each bring unique skills and experiences. They all have one thing in common. They care passionately about upholding rights and promoting the wellbeing of people accessing mental health or state-run disability services here in South Australia.

Volunteers are committed to advocating for the best possible quality of life and care of people receiving mental health and state-run disability services.

Volunteers draw upon their professional and life experiences including some volunteers who also have lived experience of mental health and disability services, to help guide their work and deliver on the statutory requirements of their role.

More volunteers are needed to add to the current talented and committed volunteers who give their time, skills and energy to making a difference in the lives of people with a disability or living with a mental health condition.

Ellie’s Story – Why is the CVS so important?

Former Community Visitor Scheme Advisory Committee Consumer representative Ellie Hodges provides her own unique perspective on the difference Community Visitor volunteers can make in peoples’ lives.


  • Use and further develop your skills and experience to help others.
  • Improve the quality of life and care of people living with a disability or mental health condition.
  • Volunteer and connect with peers and like-minded people.
  • Protect and uphold the rights of people living with a disability or mental health condition.
  • Advocate for improvements to the system of care.

What do you need to become a Community Visitor?

No formal qualifications are required.  Community Visitor Scheme volunteers need good communication skills, a desire to support people through advocacy and a dedication to improving services.

Volunteers with lived experience, from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds and Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander are encouraged to apply.

Full support and training are provided to all volunteers.

Community Visitor Role Description

If you’re considering becoming a volunteer, please read the role description to ensure you meet the criteria to join the Community Visitor Scheme.

This site is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Licence. © DHS .

Provided by:
Department for Communities and Social Inclusion
Last Updated:
16 Mar 2021
Printed on:
11 Feb 2025
The Community Visitor Scheme website is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Australia Licence. © Copyright 2016